InfoCards App

How to quickly and painlessly deal with awkward or difficult situations using our Aspie Help InfoCards mobile app

By John Counsel

Whether you’re working, shopping, studying, socialising, dealing with bureaucrats, bosses, teachers, medical professionals, hospitals and clinics, police, or anyone who is judging you, discriminating against you, bullying you, harassing you or otherwise making life difficult for you or your Aspie child or spouse, there’s a quick, easy way to communicate the FACTS of the situation with them using your mobile phone.

Disapproving people tut-tutting and judging you as a “bad parent” — and your child for throwing a “tantrum” — simply add to the stressful scenario.

What can you do?

Or a co-worker or supervisor at work is impatient with you for asking questions… how do you deal with them?

In these and other awkward, difficult situations — including dating someone new or explaining your unusual behaviour to a police officer or security guard — the simple, painless solution is to open your Aspie Help InfoCards app on your mobile phone, select the InfoCard for your current situation… and show it to them! Let them read, watch or listen to the factual, friendly explanation, then close the app.

(The app will use your mobile device’s text-to-speech functionality for even better ease of use.)

If they feel the need to discuss it, do so. But you’ll quickly find it’s a “game-changer” that eases any anxiety with information, insights and ideas that take the tension away quickly and without embarrassment.

These screen captures show some examples of our InfoCards

Please note: these examples are illustrative only, from our prototype testing app, not the final version.

Explain your child’s meltdown to potential pests
Explain why eye contact is an issue for you — with a warning!
Explain why you need to clarify instructions at work, etc — with warning
Easily show people the differences between Aspie and Neurotypical brains
Show them why Aspies experience Neural Overload
and why Neurotypicals don’t!

YOU can help us make this mobile App REALLY useful and EASY TO USECLICK HERE NOW!

Our app is due for delivery in mid-2023.

We’ll announce its arrival here!

It was delayed when John Counsel suffered a brain occlusion (stroke) in early May, 2020, which affected his ability to read and write. He’s now regained that ability (mid-2022). We’ll issue regular updates here.

Please SUBSCRIBE to this Blog for notification by email.

©2019 John Counsel. All rights reserved.

2 Replies to “InfoCards App”

    1. Thanks Joanne. Unfortunately the stroke in my brain’s Occipital Lobe — which processes Visual Sensory Signals — delayed progress until now. I’ll be back to working on it over Christmas 2022. (Just acquired new app software that will make it faster and easier to complete. It will be a work-in-progress so that updates can be made as needed. 😀


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